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Iowa InsurTech startup school offers $40,000 in seed money

One of this year's startups wants to create a mobile verification app which validates the installation of smart-home products....

6 signs of a false workers’ compensation claim

The majority of workers’ compensation claims are valid, so what can small businesses do to better spot fraudulent claims?...

3 technology trends impacting insurer success in 2018

Investing in a mobile-first strategy, chatbots, and the on-demand economy will pay off for property & casualty insurers in 2018....

3 steps to disaster-proofing your insurance agency

It’s vital that everyone in your office understands what to do when business as usual is jeopardized by an unforeseen event....

3 ways agents can control workers’ comp costs

The path to controlling workers’ comp costs begins with making certain that all relevant information is current and accurate, down to the smallest detail....