Filing A Claim After A Storm
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What if the NFIP is not renewed on Dec. 22?

What would happen to your flood insurance policy if the NFIP is not renewed before its expiration date of Dec. 22?...

Around the P&C insurance industry: Dec. 20, 2017

News from Burns & Wilcox, Brit Ltd, Fair and more....

Your questions answered: Replacement cost vs. cash value

The option to take actual cash value instead of replacement cost, with claiming replacement cost within 180 days of the date of loss, is a conscious decision by the insured....

9/11 insurers move closer to $221.5 million award against Iran

A judge has recommended that the Islamic Republic of Iran pay $221,505,968.40 to insurers that made payments to their insureds for property damage and other claims arising from the 9/11 terrorist attacks....

The value of holiday networking for insurance pros

You never know who you might meet at an event this holiday season....